
Getting to know me

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The robin calls to me, his tune sings to my soul

and calls me back to myself

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At some point in our lives each one of us gets the choice to walk a path of self discovery. I am here to ​facilitate and help you on your journey.

I am Cherlyn, who am I? In the simplest form, I am a Soul Being having a human experience. I believe in ​living a simple life that is led with a loving and playful nature. I let go of roles and titles. I lead my life as ​a journey where being true to myself is my core intention. Being kind and compassionate.

How I have trained?

I am a Qualified Sound Healing Practitioner, schooled at the School of Natural Shamanism at Llamas ​Earth Centre, Wales. My own self discoveries have led me to my training in holding space as a Circle ​facilitator with Sister Stories and as a VMC Drum Circle Facilitator with Tinto Playshop.

I have a firm belief that wisdom and knowledge is learned from all interactions and experiences. And so, ​I am continuously learning, healing and exploring wellbeing modalities that would help me help you. I ​learn by doing, my actions are a reflection of my religious commitment to self growth for myself and for ​others.

In all aspects of the work that I do, my main intention is about bringing the connection back to ourselves ​and with the people around us. All things in life is cyclical, highs and lows, shadow and light, yin and ​yang. In a circle all is welcome, all is sharing and the energy flows continously.

How I live my life?

Smile and the World smiles back at you.

I don't believe in coincidences, all incidences are ​information that we are meant to receive.

Reaching my 40's was an awakening period of my ​soul. Sound Healing is part of how I live my life, ​though it is not my only tool. Keeping my mind and ​body healthy involves feeding her healthy thoughts, ​nutrients and movement. Remembering that being ​compassionate towards myself and setting healthy ​boundaries is an ongoing life lesson.

I encourage a living based on a Circle way of living, ​where no one is better than anyone else, just on a ​different stage of their journey, where each person ​supports the growth of the other, we are all connected ​in ONE big cycle of life. Each one of our experiences ​has a lesson to teach the next. I provide the platform ​and create a vessel for the "Sounds" to flow through ​and into YOU, with an encouragement for you to ​come out of your heads and into your hearts, to hear ​the birds from the busy-ness that's happening around ​you.

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