
Events & Connections

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Music is the mother tongue of humanity,

the language of the soul

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Carl Jung 1875-1961

Women Circle | Sound Meditation

If life is weighing you down, and you feel under pressure to fulfill all the roles that we as women are ​perceived to have to be in our busy society. If you need a rest in between to feel understood and be seen. ​This is an invitation to come together consciously with other women bathed in the harmonic sounds to ​explore our inner world and get back in touch with our true “selves” who we were before all the ​expectations of who we should be came about (a good mother, a good daughter, effective employee, the ​lists goes on).

In the Circle we share our hearts without judgements or reprise; to come as we are, with the freedom to ​speak or just be in silence.

This is a space for you to receive sound frequencies that help promote emotional regulation to alleviate ​stress, tension and physical burnout. A place to sit in stillness, to watch your emotions unfold and ​encourage compassion for yourself. As we often can be too critical of ourselves.

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Filling up our empty cups, so that we can feel more centred

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We start with a Guided Meditation, then a Sound bath, followed by sharing and reflections. We meet at the ​Quakers Meeting House Uxbridge, UB8 1QW (opp. Sainsburys) 19.30-21.30 pm.

Dates for 2024:

8 Feb, 21 Mar, 18 Apr, 16 May, 20 Jun, 18 Jul, 19 Sep, 17 Oct, 21 Nov


Yin Yoga | Sound Bath

This is a collaboration of the restorative nature of Yin Yoga and the soothing sounds to help you ​focus and find a calmness within.

If you find meditation a difficult task but in need of a way to release your stress by finding stillness ​in your body, the sounds can help drop you through swiftly and the feminine non active nature of ​Yin Yoga will invite you to delve deeper in your muscles and find comfort within your own safe ​zone.


18.00 - 20.00 pm

Dates for 2024:

21 Apr, 19 May, 23 Jun, 22 Sept, 27 Oct, 24 Nov

YINSOUNDS With Brunch @ Cushla, Camden

10.30 - 13.30 pm

Dates for 2024

7 Jul


In Collaboration with Yin Yang Yoga

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You will leave the space feeling light and rejuvenated for ​the week ahead of you.

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Women REFOCUSED | Day Retreat

Self care is a matter of necessity.

Women Refocused is an initiative based on helping women deal with the every day challenges in life. We are

women that have our own ongoing journey of self discovery and have integrated tools that will help others

take back control of their life.

Our intentions are to share knowledge, tools and the ability to change your mindset. Because challenges

and daily stresses do not disappear, they are part of living. We can help you find a better way of dealing and

managing them.

This is our promise to you.

Dates for 2024:

2 Nov

Dates for 2025:

To be announced

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