AND BREATHE …. For the month of July & August till the 3rd September, Venus has been retrograde in Leo (My Sun Sign). And bhoy! Has it been intense. There may be some of you that feel that astrology is a bunch of baloney and that by believing in it that we are manifesting it into being anyways, whatever it truly is, for myself, I wasn’t going to pass up on an opportunity for change, a change for the better.
At a time when all the energies are intensified, the planets align to call in your unconscious to surface and force you to make space to bring out all our repressed issues for us to face and heal. The Venus retrograde highlights our love and relationships (relationship with ourselves, partner, family, friends, work, health) and depending on what house Venus sits on your chart, is what is the most highlighted.
The retrograde period has been days of being forced to look at the hard truths about myself and of my unconscious behaviour. It has both been a painful experience and an eye-opening discovery of who I am and of what loving myself looks like in truth.
What are my lessons!? I hear you asking! What are the hard truths that I discovered about myself:
I need to let go of my attachment (CLICK LINK) – Being a solar plexus type of person on
Human Design, and wired with “anxious attachment” my emotions can run my mind and
make decisions too hastily without waiting for it settle and then make a move. I run away from
a romantic relationship when it feels like it starts to get uncomfortable. Not giving myself and
the relationship the chance to fully settle on what it needs to be.
Experiences (CLICK LINK) discovered on our own bring us the most joy and connection.
Discovery (CLICK LINK) of where I still held resentment towards my mother and the fears of
letting my family know the new me that is emerging to be acknowledged.
In all of this, what has it called me most to do.
And that is to continuously work on bringing my body, heart and mind in an intimate dance with each other. When we live too much in our bodies, we worry too much about bringing worldly pleasures – sex, physical appearance, pain and memories whether happy or sad. Our bodies store our physiological experiences from our past (our yesterday), and that includes with it a lot of traumas – we live too much in the past and it is affecting us in the now, whether that is conscious or subconscious. When we live too much in the heart, our emotions get the better of us, we can procrastinate. We make decisions that are not grounded and boundaries crossed and not set of what we want, crave or need – we live too much in the present and we ignore the call of the future. When we live too much in the mind, our focus is too much on achieving and being busy to reach our ambitions and ignore what our future-self desires or calls for us to be. What we need is for our past, present and future (body, heart and mind) to speak with each other and not work independently off or resist from each other.
So I encourage you to listen to what your body is telling you, feel what your heart is waking you up to experience and follow what the desires are of your future self.
I hope the rest of this blog is helpful to you.
With love, play and gratitude,
2023 Copyright Circle Sounds Healing