The Flower of Life
Quick tips

Quick travel tips

Confessions of a Sound Healer Part VI Strong Women Empowered Women Empower Women

My sister reached 40! It was a significant moment for her and our family because at one point we feared that she might not reach it because of her diagnosed brain tumour. Though, with the grace of the Universe and the good hands of Doctors and Nurses, she pulled through. And we are grateful for the life and second chances.

A life event like this really puts things into perspective to help someone review how life has been lived so far. She had a bucket list, one of the list meant visiting Tuscany and so off we went. My sister, Margarita, myself and 3 of her close friends (Sally, Faye & Rocio).

There were some obstacles that threatened the possibility of everyone making it there, from flights being cancelled, not enough funds, lack of transport but they were determined to make it there in the love for my sister. Even a 24 hour journey was well worth it and it was.

Our trip to Tuscany was eye-opening, a journey that taught us to trust in the unknown and follow the flow. That we were exactly at the right time at the right place. There wasn’t us being late or on time. It was just “time”.

Each individual woman present are strong and courageous women, as a pack, we were on fire, riding

and surfing on each others’ energies. The experience

took us on a path that led us to meet many interesting people (young & old, men, women), witnessing a beautiful double rainbow in the midst of riding through heavy rain, free bus rides, free toll booths, holding a women circle in front of a landmark church, finding ourselves in the middle of a town fiesta, partying karaoke style with the beautiful townspeople of Lajatico, unexpected mountain hike, and topping it off with a special visit to Andrea Bocelli’s home.

It was all so beautiful, and it was that because we weren’t dictated by routines, or placed time constraints on ourselves, or got swept away with trying to fill every minute with an activity or busy-ness. We moved with what the situation called for and met it without any resistance. Sure there was some stumbles of making multiple visits back and forth from the airport (4 times out of the 4 nights that we were there), driving at night in an unknown suburban road with heavy fog conditions, no lighting (and I couldn’t work out how the bloody fog lights turned on), winding roads and rain. That part was hairy and all the while, the experience that I remember about it the most are the 4 women in the car with me, instead of panicking, being supportive and letting me know of their confidence in my driving.

That night led to us staying in at home when we planned to go out partying with the local people of Lajatico. I felt bad that we didn’t go because it was our last night and I was torn between disappointing the women or honouring how I was feeling, which was crap. In the past, I would’ve just pushed myself to go, in fear of missing out and in aid to please and be liked. But knowing what I knew about how I have been in the past and how hiding the truth never helped me or anyone, I decided to not drive and we stayed at our villa instead. And it was the best outcome of it all.

That night, we drank, we exchanged laughter and feelings and truths about ourselves. It was authentic and nothing felt like we were pretending to be someone else. I am eternally grateful for being held by these women in my soul gut wrenching cries of despair of my romantic relationship, being held lovingly by my sister. Being witnessed like so, with no judgement or a wish to try and fix me. Each woman playing a part in the journey of Womanhood.

Maiden (Rocio)

She is fierce, she is passion, fire, movement. When she wants something done, IT WILL get done. She kept us moving at the end of our trip when we were tired. I love her fire and boldness. She is not one to take any situation without questioning the WHY.

Mother (Faye)

With her gentle heart and soul but a strong ember that fuels her will to keep going against the tide no matter what life thows at her. Still she stands, still she shows up, day after day. Admiration for raising 4 kids on her own, who are growing up grounded and loving. A prayer was spoken at Cinque Terre in honour of her late father, whom have always wanted to go to Tuscany. We lived his dream for him.

Old Crone (Sally)

Wise beyond her years, my sister from another mother. I’ve always admired her for the non-judgemental way that she views things and her strong mind in what she believes in. She is grounded, caring, so funny and so much wise knowledge. My admiration for her grew even more when we unexpectedly hiked a mountain and she with sandalled heels and a dress, she thundered up that steep climb (left us for dust, wearing running shoes and all the gear), purely for the outrage of it, that she was doing this and she had no control over it, so she just did what she had to do. I was silently feeling proud for her, as at one point she went barefoot. Wise and strong.

My Guide (My sister-My love)

She has always been by my side throughout. The bad days and the good and I for her. The one who teaches me to be soft in the heart, how to be humble and how to see the good things in all circumstances. She is a secure and consistent light that never wavers, a warm blanket that keeps me safe. I know that I will always have her support. The traumas that she has had to endure has been tough throughout our lifetime together but we are both safe now and we are walking this path of self-discovery and healing together and by gosh I am so lucky to be walking this with her. Each day that we live, is a day that we learn more and more about ourselves and how to clear our past traumas.

To my sister, here’s to more love, more energies to be focused on loving ourselves, more drive to fully feel that we deserve love, we are important, and we are worthy. To Sally, Faye & Rocio, thank you for sharing your light and grateful that we have such powerful women to turn to.

With love, play and gratitude,


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