This is about my experience of letting go of my fears and committing. This by the way is not me encouraging others to do such a behaviour but to show a metaphor.
I was driving to Wales for my camping trip and I found myself behind a car that was going 40mph on a National Speed limit road. Two cars had already passed us both. And for a few minutes, I drove in patience behind this car, convincing myself that perhaps its okay to just drive behind slowly and watch and enjoy the scenery. However, after a while, I thought, this is just not me right now. So I decided to overtake, there was a clearance on the other side of the road, we weren’t on a bend, though depending on how quickly my car went, we could be onto it ahead. And so, I went for it, full throttle, pedal to the metal (whatever you call it). Then, an oncoming traffic appeared all of a sudden and I thought SHIT! I was at this point only had reached halfway pass the car in front of me. Do I go back!!? NOOO, let’s do this! Putting the fear aside and let’s go, I can do this! My car can do this!
Well as I am still here writing this, I lived 😊 It was a bit of a close call. I cannot tell you how close I was with the oncoming traffic but it felt very close. My heart was beating so fast afterwards, adrenaline pumping and it was like “yes, hell yeah, I did that, I committed even with fear on my side and now I am enjoying once again the smooth speed and winding with the twists and turns of the road”.
Life is a little bit like this, we tend to move about being driven by our fears most of the time. Sometimes we try things and when we see an obstacle in front of us, we seldom at times push forward and let abundance flow into it for us. Doing so blocks us from moving forward and we go back to what feels comfortable for us, though it feels stagnant and boring and slow and painful. Pushing through our fears, invites for us to have courage and trust that everything is going to be alright and that all things are ways for us to grow and experience life to its fullest expression. Once again, this is not an encouragement for anyone to be reckless, there is a lot to say about preparation and knowing the tools that you have. Though, at best, it is more heart filling for us to just know where we want to head to and trust in ourselves that we have got this and that the Universe has got us.
2023 Copyright Circle Sounds Healing